Social Justice Burnout
In 1986 I was 26 and very busy serving the needs of the teen moms in our rural county. This younger me, the one sure of the answers, the one full of confidence and the one who possessed a small bit of talent had founded Bethesda Pregnancy Services and I was proud–of myself. My calling, as I called it, had begun much earlier when I gave my first ever impromptu speech as a high school freshman. My impromptu subject? Abortion. I had just five minutes to prepare but I knew exactly what I would say because I’d been pondering the abortion debate from a young person’s perspective. I mounted the…
Interview with Sarah Ott, Part 3
Continued from Part 2 This is the third and final part of an interview chat with Tree Thoughts and Sarah Ott. SARAH: Sorry. That was a long story but I hope it answered some of what you wanted to know. TT: Ah! Yes! There is so, so, so much meat here. Can I ask you a few follow-up questions? SARAH: Sure TT: I will ask you how you live in this when there are so many voices telling your generation to take on this cause or that cause for Christ. How do you use living in John 15 when someone gives you a book about getting active? SARAH: Oh my…