About Tree Thoughts
This blog is dedicated to the Tree Thoughts of those who follow Christ. We have a lot in common with trees; we produce what we are. Conversely, we cannot produce what we are not, not ever. Trees stand as one of the most precise metaphors for how Christ works within us. Being born of the Spirit give us the very nature of God and this new nature become the source of all good fruit. That which is born of flesh can only ever be flesh but that which is born of the Spirit can produce all that is pure. It’s lovely when we see the Spirit of God in each other. It…
Choosing the Lamb of God Over Barabbas
“‘Barabbas’ means ‘son of the father,’ His very name is a kind of caricature of the ‘Son of the Blessed,’ and his character and actions present in gross form the sort of Messias whom the nation really wanted. He had headed some one of the many small riots against Rome which were perpetually sputtering up and being trampled out by an armed heel. There had been bloodshed, in which he had himself taken part (‘a murderer,’ Acts iii. 14). And this coarse, red-handed desperado is the people’s favourite, because he embodied their notions and aspirations, and had been bold enough to do what every man of them would have done…
Psalm 127:1 and 1 Cor. 3:11-23
I’m really good at good ideas to do good things. They spring up from the depths within, take form and within seconds they stand like monuments to my self. I can see God smiling down like an illuminating ray of sunshine on my finished work, pointing the way to others. If only more people were like me, I think. I should write a book to help them become more like me. God needs more people like me! What a good idea! You see how it goes. And goes. And goes. Driven by the “knowledge of good,” the process sources its energy from that very satisfying and powerful thing called, “self.”…
The Truest Kind of Work
“Jesus did more work with His hands and feet disabled than any man ever did.” Binsey Cote
Surrendering To the Lord, by Chang Noi
Before the Lord filled me with His Holy Spirit, He spoke to my heart about many things. He was preparing the “soil” of my heart that I might receive all that He had for me. One evening He began with a strange question. What have you given me to baptize? It was as if He cut me open with a sharp knife and I saw what He wanted me to see. He wanted all that pertained to me. My private life, my social life, my fantasy life, my personal life, my career, my family, my friends, my dreams. All that I had received as a result of my natural birth…
Watchman Nee on Faith
“True faith is not about you trying; it’s about you dying.” Watchman Nee
Seek the Lord Before Doing Good
“Good isn’t always God’s will but God’s will is always good.” Watchman Nee
Protected: Resting in the Hope of John 15
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
How To Do Nothing But God’s Will
“It is as obedience becomes the passion of your life that the ears will be opened by God’s Spirit to wait for His teaching, and we will be content with nothing less than a divine guidance into the divine will for us.” Andrew Murray (1828-1917), The School of Obedience, 1941, The Moody Bible Institute. LISTEN, WAIT FOR DIVINE GUIDANCE, MAKE OBEDIENCE TO GOD’S SPIRIT THE PASSION OF YOUR LIFE
How Branches Meet Needs: A Word to Christians, by Andrew Murray
Everything depends on our being right ourselves in Christ. If I want good apples, I must have a good apple tree; and if I care for the health of the apple tree, the apple tree will give me good apples. And it is just so with our Christian life and work. If our life with Christ be right, all will come right. There may be the need of instruction and suggestion and help and training in the different departments of the work; all that has value. But in the long run, the greatest essential is to have the full life in Christ—in other words, to have Christ in us, working…