The Principle of Unlearning
I often hear the complaint, “Why do I always have to be learning the same things over and over again?”
We would do better to re-frame what the true goal is before we shame and judge ourselves.
The only and true goal, better described as a state of being, is to be IN Christ.
John 15, the parable about the vine and the branches, best describes how this functions. In this state, nothing is done apart from being attached to the Vine where a natural course of fruitfulness will follow.
So what should our reaction be to those things we have judged as hampering and recurring?
Ask the Holy Spirit for two things:
1. To unlearn the lie. The sins which so easily recur are always based on lies.
2. To know the Truth which sets you free.
For Him to have His rightful throne, He must displace the lie. Are you ready for that?
Truth has mass. Once He gains His space, once the lie has been unlearned, we don’t have to revisit or relearn.
To move forward we must not learn, we must unlearn.
Rejoice Beloved!