The Truest Kind of Work
“Jesus did more work with His hands and feet disabled than any man ever did.” Binsey Cote Please follow and like us:
Surrendering To the Lord, by Chang Noi
Before the Lord filled me with His Holy Spirit, He spoke to my heart about many things. He was preparing the “soil” of my heart that I might receive all that He had for me. One evening He began with a strange question. What have you given me to baptize? It was as if He cut me open with a sharp knife and I saw what He wanted me to see. He wanted all that pertained to me. My private life, my social life, my fantasy life, my personal life, my career, my family, my friends, my dreams. All that I had received as a result of my natural birth…
Watchman Nee on Faith
“True faith is not about you trying; it’s about you dying.” Watchman Nee Please follow and like us: