
Shelter-In-Place Faith

Homeland Security uses an interesting instruction to citizens when their region has a developing and dangerous situation: “Shelter-In-Place”

I like this term, a lot. It suggests a faith-filled waiting–the perfect life-code for those who follow Christ.

“Wait on the Lord, be of good courage, and
He shall strengthen thine heart.” Psalm 27

“THE expression, “Wait on the Lord,” does not mean so much a rendering of service to the Lord, as a waiting for the Lord, a waiting before Him, to see what is His will for us. We do not understand that it has the thought of ministering to the Lord, as a servant would wait on his master, but of patient watching until we learn what our Lord would have us do. Each child of God should wait to be guided by Him, and not run on before Him unmindful of what is the Lord’s purpose for him. “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths,” is the counsel of the Wise Man. Proverbs 3:5-6 Many of the children of God have made mistakes along this line.”  From, 

Yes! Though we will feel hedged-in while we wait and our fearful flesh will fill our minds with all that we should be doing, the waiting is an essential act of faith. Why? Because spiritual battles are fought and won while we wait! Let’s explore some:

We unlearn our need to do and are forced to rest in our only hope–being in Christ.

We unlearn the lie that says, “It’s all up to you.”

We unlearn the lie that says, “God needs help with this.”

We learn to trust God’s faithfulness.

We are humbled.

We learn that to walk in our own good ideas is a poor substitute to being led by the Spirit.

Would anyone like to add to this list? What spiritual battles have you experienced while waiting?

Please comment!

Rejoice! Shelter-In-Place Beloved!


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Follower of Christ, Wife, Mother, Grandmother, Author, Teacher.


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