
Worry Dethroned

I’m a natural worrier.

The twist of my gut, the contortions of my mind intended to untwist the gut, the acceptance of my good plan, then the knowing there is no good plan, not really. The twist of my gut, the contortions of my mind intended . . . around and around. Minutes, sometimes hours.

A few mornings ago, a truth came to me through that little portal, the one we all possess. The one where the Spirit whispers, “Look!”

“W.O.R.R.Y. doesn’t work. You know it doesn’t, even when you think it does. It’s entirely backwards: Y.R.R.O.W”

I jotted down the letters on a piece of paper and the acrostic was decoded:



RELYING on your



Hmm. Yes. This is truth!

Then came searching questions:

“Can you kick yourself off your throne and confess that you don’t have any wisdom without sourcing it from Me? Can you admit that your mental contortions only wear you out? Can you agree that time invested in trusting in worry is not trusting in Me? 

My answer took four seconds.

“Yes, Lord. I can.”

I can kick that dictator worry off its stolen throne.

I can because through that portal the truth shines holy, making my path clear.

I can embrace the exhortation, “Lay it all before Me. Let Me take it and work My perfect will. The will you might never consider.”

I can lay it all before my Father’s throne and rest.

I can rest.

Binsey, Administrator of Tree Thoughts


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Follower of Christ, Wife, Mother, Grandmother, Author, Teacher.


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