Another “Truth” Unlearned
“God will never give you more than you He can handle.” Unlearned the hard way, Binsey, Tree Thoughts Adminstrator Please follow and like us:
When God Unbuilds You
I feel your bad time. I’ve been there. The there that feels ragged and gut wrenching. You feel at times like your life is over. You need comfort. May I offer some? You can only lose that which wasn’t eternal. Seems harsh, right? Seems like you will forever have to live in a world undone, washed away, blown away, stolen. What is left? When all is taken down is there anything left? Yes! Your foundation which is Christ. He is enough. Trust this for now. He IS enough. And when He becomes enough you will find He is rebuilding a new structure, a glorious one; one you never dreamed you…
Between Two Minds: Romans 12:1-2
Are you afraid or confused or discouraged? What an excellent time to give honor to the Mind of Christ. This is not the knowledge of good and evil which brought you to your present distress. No, this is the mind which is rooted in Life Himself and only brings life to those who honor His mind’s unearthly glory and power. “Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God–this is your spiritual act of worship. Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you…
The Waywardness of Our Will
So long as there remains any self-will, any unsubmission, any spirit of disobedience, any unconquered self, asserting its authority against the will of Christ—just so long, is our consecration incomplete. J. R. Miller (1840-1912) Please follow and like us:
Taking the “I” Out of 2013’s New Years Resolutions
A New Years Prayer: Have Your way with me Lord no matter what I think Give me the year You desire and give me the grace to let go Lead me into the paths You have planned even when I am afraid Heal me of the lies which bind me and set me free every day by Your truth I love You and thank You Lord, Your child Please follow and like us:
Religion Without Belief
In Christ, outward forms of religion are never proofs of belief, for, paradoxically, they are often the very expressions of unbelief. Binsey, Tree Thoughts Administrator Please follow and like us: